I went to Haiti's capital the other day to visit a man who I greatly admire. Dr. Bill Pape, founder and director of GHESKIO (gheskio.org) an organization dedicated to the treatment, prevention and research of HIV/AIDS and TB in Haiti's poorest city. GHESKIO's presence is massive, benefiting tens of thousands of Haitians every year and saveing countless lives in the process. It was a 4-hour bus ride to Port au Prince. I was up by 4am to make the 10 am appointment and had decided to go by bus instead of paying the $150 to fly. The bus was only $18 roundtrip, and was unlike any bus you'd see in the US. The buses here, though no bigger than a bus in the US, seats triple the amount of poeple. Crammed like sardines, it was airless, claustrophobic and and full of roaming cockroaches. I was happy to experience it though. Meeting Dr. Pape was a breath of fresh air. Here's a man who has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to helping his country and has made amazing progress. He has never lost hope in his people or faith in himself. He told me not to get overwhelmed, that a single person can indeed change the world and that Haiti is not a lost cause. He advised me to stay optimistic and idealistic because once you turn into a cynic and pessimist, it gets a whole lot harder to make change. I left his office, with a renewed hope that I can truly make a difference and that my efforts are worth making.

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