Saturday, June 14, 2008


Several people have contacted me about how they can help financially with the work that I'm doing. The scholarship that I received to come here covers little more than my travel and living expenses. These prevention programs that I'm working to implement require significant funding. While grants help, they are difficult to get and require that most of your time be spent at the computer instead of in the field. Donations are the fastest and most efficient way to get things funded down here. Every week or so, I will compile a "wish list" for the program I'm working on. If you can help in any way, I would greatly appreciate it.
To donate, please send a check to:

Memo: Will's Medical Mission

Contributions are tax-deductible in the U.S.

Wish List:
1. Sandals for all 650 children ($2,500)
2. Propane Fridge for the clinic ($2,000)
3. 100 tubes of Scabies cream ($1,000)
4. Mosquito screens for the 20 children's houses ($50/house)
5. Ringworm treatment for 200 children ($10/child)
6. Public Health van ($15,000)

Any donation helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wonderful work being done at Pwoje Espwa is truly inspiring. So much has been done even since my visit in February and despite the difficulties. A check will be in the mail tomorrow to provide the propane refrigerator for the medical supplies as well as continuing prayers.

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