I'm going to try and upload a pic with every post so that you can actually visualize some of the kids I'm working with and things I'm doing. That's a soccer ball made of string! You should see some of the homemade toys I've come across. Marbles made of clay, miniature animals shaped out of mud and left to dry in the sun, kites made of plastic bags and string from rice sacks, toy trucks made from plastic bottles, the list goes on.
I spent part of the day helping to repaint one of the children's houses. The goal is to repaint them all but the cost is pretty substantial. The concrete soaks up paint like no other and requires several coats. It costs about $350 to buy enough paint to do one of the houses and it looks like we'll be running short on funds. At first, I couldn't understand why we were even spending money on painting the houses. There are so many other important things that need to be done, things that the children actually need. But my mind was changed the moment I saw one of the little guys walk into the house that we had been painting a beautiful sky blue. His face lit up. The dirty dark gray cement walls are enough to make anyone depressed. It's amazing what the effect of bringing color into one's world can do.
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