The purpose of this project is to sufficiently diminish, and hopefully eradicate, the massive bed bug infestation in the children’s houses. Bed bugs are well worth eradicating because their bites cause anemia and anaphalactic shock, and can transmit diseases such as Hepatitis B and Chagas, a blood disease caused by a parasite that leads to dehydration, organ failure, and anorexia. Bed bugs lay 200-500 eggs in a single batch, and can survive up to 140 days without feeding. They only come out at night, and when they do, they can bite up to 500 times without waking their victim.
The discovery of the bed bugs came at a perfect time. The goals of this project largely overlap with those of Houses to Homes (another grant project that is currently in progress at the orphanage)—plans to provide new beds, furniture, and paint are essential in addressing the bed bug problem, and are already in motion. This project proposes an added focus on clearing each house of infestation before moving new beds and furniture back into the houses. Starting tomorrow, my public health guys and I will be heading into the children's village to begin bombing the houses with insecticide and destroying all of the old beds.
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