Friday, July 4, 2008

Baby Update!

The baby boy (Lixier) with hydroencephalitis was just approved for his Visa last night! He and his mother will be leaving for the states on Saturday and Lixier is scheduled for surgery on Monday at St. Joseph’s Hospital. It was a long and stressful process but it looks like things will work out after all. However, surgery is only half the battle. His follow-up care will be crucial in helping him to stay alive. As it is very difficult to receive the post-operative treatment he needs in Haiti, the host family in the US has offered to house Lixier and his mother for 2 months.
I'll be going with them to the airport tomorrow morning to say goodbye and wish them luck. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

I am so grateful that there is still the hope for a happy ending for this little boy.

Dave said...

Hi Will,

This is awesome news and an answer to prayer! Thanks for keeping us up to date. It's great to hear how you are making a difference.

May God Bless Your Work,

Dave Kless (

LaQuisha Renee said...

Hey Will,
I'm happy to hear that the baby boy is going to have his surgery. Good luck training for the marathon : )

Anonymous said...

Yes! I am so happy they saw the light and things worked out.

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