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In 2008, I moved to Les Cayes, Haiti to live out my dream of changing the health status of the poorest country this side of the planet, by practicing "political medicine." This blog begins by telling my story of when I first moved to Haiti until now, as a second year medical student. I partner with non-profits to train rural Haitian youth to become community health workers in their villages, empowering a people to take control over their own health and save their own lives.
Hope for Haiti
1021 5th Avenue North
Naples, FL 34102
In kind donations are also accepted, such as frequent flyer miles (through AA and Delta) goods and services, etc. Please contact me for more information and if you would like to donate and have your business recognized on willinhaiti.org
hola como esta espero que este bien mi amigo pue te informo que sigo buscando y seguire hoy he hablado con un haitiano de aqui el estudia medisina pero odontonlogia y me dijo que puede pero en diciembre pero no se si sera posible por que no se si tu este para ese entonse lo admiro mucho sabe noell usted es como un herue para mi y se que para todo eso niño que usted ayuda
otra cosas mandame la lista de medicamento que te puedo comprar asi tratare de conseguirlo ok y los dato del hopital no se dirccion nnombre y eso
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