Friday, October 31, 2008

$12,000 Raised So Far!!!

Thanks to the help of many, I've received $12,000 in pledges thus far for the marathon that I'm running in an effort to fund much of the work I've been involved in these last 5 months! If you can pledge any amount at all, please do so! We're a long way from the $60,000 goal!

If you pledged:
$1/mile x 26.2 miles ($26.20), it would take 1,832 pledges to reach my goal.
$2/mile x 26.2 miles ($52.40), it would take 916 pledges to reach my goal.
$5/mile x 26.2 miles ($131.00), it would take just 366 pledges to reach my goal.
$10/mile x 26.2 miles (262.00), it would take only 183 pledges to reach my goal.

TO PLEDGE, simply email me at

TO MAKE A DONATION, please make checks payable to:
Theo’s Work, INC.
2303 West Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Memo: Will’s Medical Mission

You can also donate using a credit card by visiting Pwoje Espwa’s website at

You can follow up your donation with an email to to designate your donation to "Will's Medical Mission."

Thanks! -WILL

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