Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First day back

After waking up for 3am the day after graduation, I arrived in Les Cayes around 5:30pm, just in time for dinner. I just finished unpacking, and am ready to get started! I'm going to try and update this blog daily but because of the shortage on electricity that may not be possible. Nonetheless, check back weekly for updates on how and what I'm doing. Feel free to respond to any of my posts and I'll try to write back. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hey WIll!!! I will read it religiously!

Paige'sPage said...

so glad you made it, will. see you on thursday! tell my kiddos i miss them!

Anonymous said...

Bonjou Will,
How are you? I'll make sure to check up on you regularly. I hope things are going well and good luck!

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